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What is Workplace Culture?

 Your Workplace’s culture is your Organisation’s character and personality. It is not what you do but how you do what you do. It brings that uniqueness into your business and differentiates your services and CRM from your competitors. Suffix it to say that your workplace culture projects your organizational beliefs, values, traditions, behaviors, and attitudes.

It’s not far from the truth to say that the culture workplace is just as important as policies. The Policies in place to guide your employees are to ensure a pattern in carrying out tasks thus building also “a culture”.

However, fostering a positive culture is more important, Why? Employees are extension of the organization. When they carry out organizational tasks as required by policy, their attitudes towards carrying out their duties and how they perform tasks represent the entirety of your organization.

Enough emphasis can not be laid on the importance of positive workplace culture. It drives talent hire, attracts engagements, ensures clients and employee satisfaction and increases productivity as a happy client base. A happy team of employees can only lead to …… I leave that to your imagination.

Your culture is also as important as your business strategy. It either helps you achieve your goals and objectives or otherwise. As a result of your organization’s culture, you might end up with a team that will go that extra mile to achieve goals or the nonchalant one.

How to build a Positive Workplace Culture

To foster a positive culture in your organization you need to:

  1. create a safe environment that welcomes new ideas, and where there is room for mistake (Not to be passive about repeated mistakes), and trust.
  2. Be consistent: Although change can be healthy, disrupting a good thing can be detrimental and affect the cultural balance of your organization, find a balanced system that works for you and your team
  3. People: Of course!!, they make up your team, and that’s why you must vet their personalities, beliefs, values, diverse skills and experiences.
  4. Be positive: Setting weekly, monthly and yearly positive intentions as a group will help to align your team. Thus ensuring that everyone is facing the same North Star.

A positive culture in the workplace is essential for fostering a sense of pride and ownership amongst the employees. When people take pride, they invest their future in the organization and work hard to create opportunities that will benefit the organization. Positive attitudes and behavior in the workplace are the direct results of effective leadership and a positive management style.